IWBI Launches WELL for Residential Program with 25 Pilot Participants and Nearly 30,000 Enrolled Homes

First Wave Development is honored to participate in the WELL for Residential Program as one of the twenty-five pilot participants committed to implementing WELL for Residential across nearly 30,000 residences in single-family homes and multifamily communities. The evidence-based, third-party verified certification program is poised to transform how homes are designed, built, and maintained to support human health and well-being.

"Embracing the pioneering WELL for residential initiative in our modular housing is a testament to our dedication to providing homes for the missing middle that exemplify excellence, sustainability, and holistic well-being." - Joy Luedtke, CEO & Founder, First Wave Development

IWBI Press Release: IWBI Launches WELL for Residential Program with 25 Pilot Participants and Nearly 30,000 Enrolled Homes

Forbes article: Long Awaited Residential Wellness Design Standard Rolls Out

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