About Mike Taylor

Founder & COO

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Email: mike@firstwave.group

Phone: 714-900-9074

During his 45-year business career, Mike has developed multiple startup businesses with the vision of becoming a Category of One. 

His passion is helping startups grow their businesses faster than they ever thought possible. As a Pinnacle Business Guide, he loves to bring Structure and Discipline around People with a Purpose and a Playbook, Performing at a High Level and Focusing on Profits. 

Mike had a vision during his freshman year at the University of Idaho. He started a commercial furniture installation company to pay his way through school. Here he shares the story:

In my first year in business, a local architect invited me to lunch. 

When I arrived at lunch, the architect introduced the other guest to me, who asked me about my background, upbringing, and family. I was confused and wondered why this person was there. At the end of the lunch, the guest stood up, reached out to shake my hand, and said, "Congratulations." 

Puzzled, I asked, "for what?" 

He said, "I will hire you to install the new Toyota North American Headquarters furniture." 

As a young man from a small town in Texas, I thought, "What is a Toyota?" And I realized that lunch was an interview. 

That lunch launched Mike's business career, and his company went on to employ over 150 people with revenues of over $50 million per year for the next 25 years. In his 45-year business career, he has been directly involved in approximately $1.2 Billion in commercial furniture and construction-related sales. 

Mike is a Business Coach and a Mentor to our Military Veterans as they transition from active duty to civilian and business life. As a business owner and coach, Mike has over 45 years of experience and is passionate about passing this knowledge on to young business owners. 

Mike has been married for 42 years to "the most wonderful and supportive wife I could have dreamed of" and the father to three remarkable young men. He is the father-in-law of two beautiful daughters-in-law and five grandchildren who call him PaDad. 

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